A 32 year old female, farmer by occupation came to medical OPD with complaints of vomitings since 4 days

December 26,2022

General medicine case discussion



This is is an online E log book to discuss our patient's deidentified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed in formed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs.This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning protfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome.

Name: K. Supraja
Roll no : 60

2020 Batch

I''ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "PATIENT CLINICAL DATA ANALYSIS" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history,clinical findings,investigations and comeup with Diagnosis and Treatment plan.

Case presentation:
A 32 year old female came to general medicine OPD with chief complaints of:
4-5 episodes of vomitings since 22/12/2022
Pain below the chest since 22/12/2022

History of present illness: 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back. Then she developed fever and pain in lower abdomen from 25/11/2022. The pain was insidious and gradual in onset and lasted for more than 2 weeks. On consultation she was diagnosed with ovarian cyst and had a surgery on 7/12/2022. And she was discharged on 15/12/2022. After a week on 22/12/2022 evening around 10 pm she had 2 episodes of vomiting after 4 hours of food intake. On 23/12/2022 . Morning another 2 episodes of vomiting after intake of milk and coconut water.and few more episodes of vomiting till she came to the hospital. Vomiting was non projectile, non bilious and has food as contents associated with epigastric pain after intake of food. 
No history of diarrhoea, burning micturitipn, headache, giddiness. she was admitted on 23/12/2022.

Past History:
No history of similar complaints in the past. 
No history of epilepsy,HTN, DM, Bronchial asthma. 
History of blood transfusion prior surgery. 
Surgical history:she has a history of right salpingo oopherectomy on 7 -12-2022

Family History:
H/O HTN -mother

Personal History: 
Mixed diet
Loss of appetite 
Adequate sleep
 No Burning micturition
Bowel- regular
No known allergies 
Addictions - toddy (occasionally) 
Drug allergies:
No known drug allergies

Menstrual history:
AOM:15 years
Regular 4/30 cycles
LMP: 22-11-2022

Physical Examination:
General Examination: 
Conscious, coherent and cooperative
Well oriented to time place and person
Normal gait
Examined in sitting position
Thin built 
Moderately nourished
Pallor present
No icterus
No cyanosis
No clubbing of fingers
No Lymphadenopathy 
 No pedal edema 

Temperature :afebrile 
Pulse Rate: 80 beats per minute 
Respiratory rate: 18 times per minute 
BP: 120/70
SpO2 : 87% at room temperature
GRBS- 95 mg / dl

Systemic Examination:
S1 and s2 heard
No murmurs 
No thrills

no dysnea 
No wheeze 
Position of trachea: central 
Vesicular breathe sounds

Shape of the abdomen: scaphoid
No tenderness 
No palpable mass 
No organomegaly 
Bowel sounds : No

No facial asymmetry 
All reflexes are normal. 

Provisional diagnosis:
Acute enterogastritis


Serum electrolytes:
Sodium- 139mEq/l > 138  >138
Potassium-4. 5mEq/l   > 4.2  >  4.5
Chloride-103mEq/l     >  103    > 105
Calcium ionised-0. 85mmol/l  > 1.03 > 1.05

1) IVF NS @ 50ml/hr
2) Inj. ZOFER 4mg/IV/SOS
3) Inj. PAN 40mg/IV/OD
4) vital monitoring

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